Genotypic Analysis of Etroplus Maculatus in Western Ghat Rivers of India using Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Analysis
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Published: 2 January 2017 | Article Type :Abstract
Genotypic Analysis is used to profile the genetic variation among different populations of fishes. The freshwater fish, Etroplus maculatus was used in this study to analyze the genetic variation in different population. The Etroplus maculatus fishes were collected from four different locations of southern Western Ghats, India and the fishes from different location were designated as different population. Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to study the genetic variation among different populations with the help of universal primers. The results displayed that the morphometric characters of population from Eraumanthurai showed little variation when compared with other population. The genomic size of the different population of E. maculatus found between 3.45 x10-6 to 3.10 x10-6 pg/mg. The result of RAPD analysis showed that the population from Eraumanthurai had eight distinct fragments. The study inferred that the population from Eraumanthurai appeared to be unique among the other population of E. maculatus. This study will give an evidence of evolutionary relationship between different populations of E. maculatus
Keywords: Etroplus maculatus, genetic diversity, RAPD, Western Ghats, Genotypic analysis.

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How to Cite
D. Jini. (2017-01-02). "Genotypic Analysis of Etroplus Maculatus in Western Ghat Rivers of India using Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Analysis." *Volume 1*, 1, 1-8